
Welcome to The Career Connoisseur

Build your career with equal doses of passion and purpose

There is an optimal reality where passion and purpose can intertwine and become the foundation of what you call work. Or as many who work their passion would rather call it, their career. Something that they care about. It has its annoying bits because everything does, but ultimately gives them a sense of overall fulfillment, because it is tied to the core of who they are. You owe yourself to explore what that space is for you. Let’s explore.

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You've been here before and you know exactly what you need



You are more than a Cover Letter and Resume, but when you need them, they need to be strong, purpose driven and contextually directed. Some are original to us, and others are our current recommendations from different sources. Beyond templates, check out some handy tips. Perfect for anyone who’s starting out, seeking inspiration or re-entering a career.




You can plan your career based on what you care about, a desired quality of life and purposes to be realized. Or get lucky (perhaps) and find a career in which you will absolutely succeed without any planning. There are no guarantees with either, but one choice empowers you. Perfect for any individual who is stuck and needs help navigating career paths.

Plan it



The confusion of being an “undecided” major is real, and many students still remain such as they pick a focus, graduate and job-hunt. But shouldn’t it be about being passionate about what you do and finding those passions early? Our clinics help students become better decided, earlier. Perfect for Education Institutions and Conference Organizers.

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Who Does The Career Connoisseur Best Serve?

We are likely not to turn anyone away, but some specific audiences would benefit the most.

"There is an optimal space where work, purpose and passion co-exist and the key reward is self-defined. You belong in that space, because passion always wins."

We made them pause, think, and hopefully act!

You WILL have an engaged experience AND walk away with insightful decisions